
  • Ms Aysel Esen - Head of PSHE and Careers

  • Mr M Hutchins - Teacher of PSHE

PSHE Education at Norlington School is a planned programme of learning through which the boys develop their knowledge, understanding about becoming informed citizens, discussing both local and global issues that affect today's world.

PSHE develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. Students are also encouraged to discuss issues regarding their emotional and economic wellbeing and how to develop healthy lifestyles and demonstrate safe behaviours. There is also an emphasis on promoting the British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect as well as a tolerance of those with various faiths and beliefs. It enables students to enter the wider world with an understanding of the political, legal and economic functions, and with the social and moral awareness of the society around them.

In studying PSHE students will improve their skills of enquiry, communication and participation. They will grow in confidence and realise that they have a responsibility to make the most of their abilities.

In Year 7 and 8 students have classes once in a two week cycle, with an extra collapsed day. From Year 9 to 13, the subject is taught through their tutorial programme and from external speakers and a series of collapsed days where students are taken off timetable to discuss issues concerning health, work related learning and citizenship.

Below is an outline of what Norlington pupils do in their PSHE lessons each year, however PSHE is not only limited to only those allocated lessons, it can be seen in lessons across the curriculum as well as during form times and whole school, key stage and year assemblies.
