Religious Education


  • Mr W Lines - Head of Religious Studies

    Ms S Begum - Teacher of Religious Studies


Curriculum Overview

The curriculum is designed to provide all students with a broad knowledge of different faiths and beliefs. Key concepts are introduced in key stage 3, and then developed with greater depth and detail when returned to in later years. Knowledge is built upon sequentially. As students progress through the course they are given opportunities to reflect and build on prior learning. Analytical and evaluative skills are embedded throughout and students are encouraged to develop their own opinions as well as being able to articulate the beliefs of others.

Lessons in review weeks give students the opportunity to draw connections between different concepts in the preceding cycles. For example in year 7 students first study different religious beliefs about God and also holy books. They next look at the different ways in which religious people practice worship. Work in the review week will allow them to consider how these beliefs and practices are interconnected.

Religions studied: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism as well as non-religious points of view.

Religions studied: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism as well as non-religious points of view.

Key Stage 4

In year 9 pupils will cover everything that is part of the AQA GCSE syllabus. However, lessons will be sequenced so that logical links will freely be made between beliefs and practices. For instance instead of an isolated lesson on ‘Afterlife’ or ‘Salvation,’ a lesson could be taught on ‘How do Christian beliefs about charity affect the judgement day.’ This opens up the possibility of discussion on Jesus’ teachings and biblical evidence, how Christians conduct charity in the world; discussion of Christian beliefs about the Afterlife (already covered in year 7) and what Jesus’ sacrifice means to Christians. This approach can be conducted over a number of lessons. It historicizes information and will hopefully give pupils a well-rounded understanding of faith. Evaluative question’s will underpin all learning in this year. Pupils will have full knowledge at the beginning of each cycle which questions they are working towards answering.

In year 10 lessons will have a greater emphasis on enquiry learning, with each lesson headed by a question. Building on previous knowledge students will be encouraged to develop their responses in the style of the longer form (AO2) exam style questions. This approach allows previous knowledge to be recapped and any misunderstandings addressed, whist also adding greater depth of enquiry and independent thinking.

Religions studied: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism as well as non-religious points of view.

Religions studied: Christianity and Islam as well as non-religious points of view